Liturgical Calendar

An ordo calendar, colour coded to indicate the liturgical colour for the day, provides a quick way to find any particular day. A brief overview of each day is listed as are any alternative events for the day, and the reference for the daily Office. To make planning easier, a downloadable yearly calendar is available in a variety of colourful formats.
LiturgyHelp provides the full Liturgy of the Word and New Roman Missal texts for every Sunday, feast day, ordinary week day, and memorial. Also included are selected Ritual book texts including the revised Orders for Confirmation and Matrimony.
Not available in the USA
This authorised text for Roman Catholic Blessings has been approved for use in all Dioceses of the United States of America and Australia. The content covers a variety of circumstances which users will find extremely useful in a school or parish setting.
Not available in the USA
Not available in the USA
Our collection of scripture commentaries and reflections created by noted liturgists and scripture scholars are an excellent resource for breaking open the Word.
Assisting priests in their preparation for homilies, LiturgyHelp offers homilies and reflections from our team of expert writers. Ready to print, download, email or edit.
LiturgyHelp, with the cooperation of a range of music publishers, is able to assist you to locate the most appropriate music and psalms to accompany your liturgy, which will enrich your community’s prayerful experience of the Mass.
For every Sunday and major Feast, we provide three samples of general intercession prayers, which may be directly printed from the site or saved and modified for the needs of your community.
Catechists, teachers and others working with children will find a range of excellent resources to support their ministry. Children will be engaged and inspired by a range of resources designed to meet their needs tailored to age, faith experience and knowledge.
NRSV Bible

This electronic edition of the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible is easy to navigate. Each book is presented as a list of "stories" with scripture reference and story heading.
Each week we present a range of graphic interpretations of the Sunday Gospel that can be used to create liturgical banners or used in printed documents. We have an extensive clip art library ready to use for any type of printed document.
Presentation Slides

Order of Service Presentation Slides are available as PowerPoint format files for each Sunday, major feasts and solemnities. Available in different variations (colour, B&W, with or without images) the PPT files can be edited to suit your needs.
Not available in the USA
Our pre-formatted weekly Bulletin Masters are a great to help to any parish secretaries. Available in PDF format as "The Living Word" or with a blank masthead, A4 or A3 with a selection of reflections. Not available in the USA
Audio Text Reader

Our built-in text reader allows you to listen to texts by simply clicking the available play buttons. You can also listen to any highlighted words to help with pronunciation. Choose one of nine different male and female voices.
Music Filters

Music selection is made easier with a wide range of controls to quickly filter our music suggestions to best meet your needs. Filter music according to the Author/Composer, degree of difficulty, hymnal, meter, music-style, theme, etc.
Sacrament Certificates

Printable certificates for the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Download as blank printable documents for completion by hand, or use the online certificate generator.
Seasonal Resources

In addition to the regular weekly resources, we have a variety of additional resources for each season, including seasonal overviews for musicians, additional childrens' activities, etc.