What our users think about LiturgyHelp
"I find the service very helpful especially in a country parish where we don’t always have all the resources available to us that may be available in the city. As we have fortnightly Liturgy of the Word and Communion services, we find the information and reflections especially helpful to our lay people."
Pastoral Leader, Toowoomba
"I find the site to be very complete for my needs. The General Intercessions are the best I have ever come across - short not flowery. The homily and reflection resources are very helpful. The children’s worksheets are great for the kids in K through grade 4 or 5."
Pastoral Associate, Indianapolis
"I recommend the service to music ministers, catechists, children’s liturgy of the Word ministers. I find it has good grasp of season and a fine choice from GIA hymnals. It also has good resources and ideas for children’s Liturgy of the Word."
Parochial Vicar, Hawaii
"I regularly recommend it to other priests working in parishes. I believe the service you offer is just what I’ve been looking for. It’s terrific for my needs in a parish. Congratulations!"
Priest, Sydney
"I find it a good resource tool, well laid out and easy to access. Homilies and reflections are good to reflect on and help me prepare my own homilies. Prayers of intercession are topical, can be readily adapted to meet local needs and situations to speak to the local community."
Deacon, Sydney
"In my ministry as a Liturgist, the service saves me time researching many books and papers. The work is complete and is put in very easy terms. The reflections are good for individual prayer."
Director of Liturgy, New Jersey
"LiturgyHelp makes my life much easier with their music suggestions and extensive list of different GIA publications that I can personalize for each parish I direct."
Minister of Music, Louisiana
"The service has a lot to recommend itself, on a large scale to anyone who produces scripts every week, on a smaller scale as a resource for art, music, and catechesis."
Director of Liturgy and Music, Illinois
"I find your service very useful, especially when time is short - which is often. The ability to whip off a quick scripture reading, some discussion questions, a graphic or some general intercessions has saved me time and time again. At most parish meetings, there is always a prayer time to begin, and these resources are also adaptable for that purpose. Thank you!"
Pastoral Associate, Sydney
"As a catechetical leader LiturgyHelp is useful for small faith sharing groups that reflect together on the Sunday readings, and for those that lead Breaking Open of the Word for RCIA. It’s also useful for catechists and school teachers that are taking time in their sessions to connect with the Sunday liturgies. It is also useful for Lectors."
Director of Christian Formation, South Carolina
"The service provided by LiturgyHelp.com allows anyone involved in liturgy planning to view a large amount of relevant information, making it so much easier to plan a liturgy. It’s like having instant access to a "brainstorm" of information!"
Musician, Maitland/Newcastle
"LiturgyHelp is an up to date comprehensive resource for anyone preparing liturgies or a minister within the liturgy. This resource has been an inspiring breakthrough in liturgical resources."
Musician, Sydney
"The service helps to prepare and gives a comprehensive listing for music and or hymns for the coming week. It’s a great help for country people who do not have, at all times, a Parish Priest for the preparation of the Celebration of the Word and Communion."
Sacristan and Organist, Queensland